With so much happening around City College, The Channels would like to offer a single place for the most important information. We’ll be compiling a weekly list of current and upcoming events to keep readers up to date on campus news.

-The SBCC Foundation invited the community to an open campus discussion, “SBCC at a Crossroads: Enrollment Trends and Student Futures.” This discussion touches on the concern of enrollment, which is down 15% compared to last year, according to The Bridge community newsletter. They will also go over City College’s plans to attract returning students and how it will continue to provide support to them. It will be held at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, March 17, and led by Paloma Arnold, dean of Student Affairs, Michael Medel, director of Admissions & Records and Dr. Pamela Ralston, executive vice president of Educational Programs. Click here to register in advance.

-The Board of Trustees has hired Christina Llerena as the EOPS/CARE and CalWORKs director.
A graduate of the University of Michigan and Columbia University, her experience includes serving marginalized populations, over 25 years of bilingual social work and higher education involvement with diverse communities in New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area. Moving from West Valley College, Llerena began teaching community college in the San Mateo County and Santa Clara County region in 2004. She worked as an instructor and counselor for First-Year Experience, and served as the former Student Support Services Director at West Valley College.

-SBCC’s Director of Information Technology Infrastructure and Security, Jim Clark, received a 2021 technology planning award from the Chief Information Systems Officers Association of the California Community Colleges.
“Your selection speaks highly of how well you and your work are perceived by both your district and by your statewide peers,” the association said.
This award is presented to candidates who served a significant role in analyzing information technology variables and constructing a strategy that assists their college.
Clark has been working to improve security at City College by reducing exposure to sensitive information. He has also established a way to deal with data breaches and handled several third-party breaches.
“Effective planning and implementation is a team effort; therefore, I accepted the award on behalf of my entire team in Information Technology, and I would like to share this award and recognition with them,” Clark said.

-EOPS will host a “Nursing 101” workshop for those interested in nursing, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 17. The discussion will be centered around the admission requirements for an associate degree in nursing. The City College Nursing director and several nursing students will share their experiences in the program and answer any questions at the workshop.