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The news site of Santa Barbara City College.

The Channels

The news site of Santa Barbara City College.

The Channels

The news site of Santa Barbara City College.

The Channels


Email editorial board
[email protected]

Mailing address
The Channels
Santa Barbara City College
Room A180
721 Cliff Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93109

John Rose, Laboratory Teaching Assistant to The Channels, (805) 897-3448


Letters to the Editor

The Channels recognizes its position on campus as a medium for free expression and community opinion. The Channels letter section will be used as an ongoing public forum serving the interests of campus individuals or organizations. Therefore, publication of letters to the editor is conducted in as fair and responsible a manner as possible.

The Channels accepts all letters addressed to the editor but reserves the right to determine the content of its publication, including letters. Any person other than staff members of The Channels may submit a letter. The decision to publish a letter shall not be based on the letter’s agreement with The Channels editorial positions but rather on criteria detailed below, to be determined by the opinion editor, the editor-in-chief or the editorial board.


Submission requirements:

To be considered for publication in The Channels, letters should:

  • Be exclusive and sent only to The Channels. We do not publish open letters or those addressed to a third-party.
  • Not exceed 350 words.
  • Include the writer’s first and last name, address and telephone number. Only the writer’s name will be published with the letter. Pen names on letters will not be accepted.
    • If the letter is from a student, the student’s major, year in college or any other significant identification, such as a student leadership position, should be included.
    • If the writer is representing a group or club, it should be noted. If the letter purports to express a position of a club or other student organization, it should be signed by its president.
  • Not contain attachments, such as fliers, photos or other media files.
  • Not contain personal attacks or unsubstantiated facts. If referencing statistics, dollar figures, or other factual information, please attribute the source within your letter.

Selection process and timeline for publication:
The Channels reserves the right to publish or reject submitted letters. All letters are subject to editing and abridgment.

  • We do not publish more than one letter by a single writer within a 30-day period.
  • Please allow up to seven business days for your letter to undergo The Channels’ editorial review process. Writers will be notified of the editor’s decision within a week.

How to submit your letter

Letters may be submitted by email or regular mail. Letters via regular mail should also be signed.

Letters via e-mail
Send e-mail letters to [email protected]. Do not send attachments; they will not be read.

Letters via regular mail
Letters should be mailed to:

Letters to the Editor: The Channels
Santa Barbara City College
721 Cliff Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93109

Read recent Letters to the Editor.


Guest Columns

The Channels’ Editorial Board welcomes our readers to submit guest columns. We do, however, reserve the right to publish or reject guest columns judged unsuitable to publication standards. Guest columns will be selected by the opinion editor and the editor in chief according to the following criteria:

  • Columns will not be published if they contain material deemed to be libelous, unsubstantiated personal attacks or other legally questionable material.
  • Column content cannot be solely promotional nor advertisement.
  • Columns are generally published as submitted, although minor corrections may be made if the content is not significantly changed by such editing.
  • In general, columns from the campus community have priority over off-campus contributions.
  • The proper use of logic and the accuracy of facts, as well as reader interest, is of primary importance in selection.
  • Inaccuracies and/or improper use of logic shall constitute grounds for exclusion from publication. Serious inaccuracies may be pointed out in a brief editor’s note.
  • The published length of guest columns is 500 words. Columns longer than this may be returned to the writer or edited to fit.

Technical Requirements

  • Guest columns must be submitted electronically, with the writer’s full name, identification, email address and phone number included.
  • Handwritten or printed columns will not be accepted by The Channels.
  • A Channels editor will contact the writer by phone to verify his or her identity.

Referral to Editorial Board

  • The opinion editor or the editor in chief will consult the editorial board in the following cases:

    • Columns of questionable taste or with possible libel or obscenity.
    • Columns dealing with individuals or an individual’s behavior.
    • Columns in which the writer has requested his or her name withheld.
  • The column writer shall be informed of the board’s decision as soon as possible. If the board decides that the writer’s name cannot be withheld, then the writer shall be given the opportunity to withdraw the submission.

Read recent Guest Columns