The news site of Santa Barbara City College.

The Channels

The news site of Santa Barbara City College.

The Channels

The news site of Santa Barbara City College.

The Channels

Editors’ Voices

Arts & Entertainment Editor:
“Nick Alley, the founder of Drive By Press. He tours the country in a van and prints t-shirts with his press. He had great stories from schools across the country to share.”

News Editor
“Dan Goddard and Pete Heth, the founders of Backyard Bowls. They’re really cool, City College alumni. They were easy to interview and explained to me why they wanted to become their own bossses.”

Sports Editor
“Brent Hermann, an amateur boxer and City College student. He was super interesting to interview and I thought it was cool that he’s a student, works and boxes simultaneously.”

Multimedia Editor, Photo Editor
“We met a self-proclaimed prophet, Gumdroplou, on Hollywood Blvd. Not sure if he’s the answer the world’s been looking for, but he seemed godsent to us. He was born with syphilis and crossed the Mexican border in a box. He told us to walk tall like Australians and hold on to our balls.”

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Editor in Chief
“Alison Saar, a nationally renowned artist. She was extremely inspiring. All of her artwork was influenced by her cultural background, her African-American heritage. I was nervous, but when the interview was over, she told me she was surprised how professional I was.”

Sports Editor
“Covering the Easter Relays, me and James (Sinclair) saw this guy throwing up after a race. I walked up to him and started talking and he said vomiting just made him feel better after being so nervous and tired after the race.”

Features Editor
“I really enjoyed interviewing Sally Saenger (City College Health and Fitness and Continuing Ed instructor) because she was really inspiring and super feisty. She made me want to stick it to the man.”

Opinion Editor
“Curtis Solberg, a History professor. He asked where I was from and started speaking Swedish with me. Turned out he went to Norway when he was young and somehow picked up some phrases.”

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