Aug. 26—11:45 a.m.
A female student reported that she was repeatedly stalked by a male student, both on and off-campus. The suspect stalked her for close to two months prior to the report, lurking the places she frequently visited, including City College. A report was filed with Santa Barbara Police Department. The matter has since been resolved.
Aug. 30—2:20 p.m.
A male student was high on meth and methadone at 12:20 p.m. in the Financial Aid Office of the Student Services Building. Staff suspected the student was drunk, not realizing he was high on narcotics. He then staggered to La Playa Stadium where paramedics approached him, and eventually took him to Cottage Hospital. He is still attending City College, but has been referred to the dean of student discipline. The Santa Barbara police department was not involved.
Sept. 6—N.D.
Security responded to a call between 9:15 and 9:30 a.m. of a female student being harassed by another student in the Interdisciplinary building. The victim said her ex-boyfriend was stalking her, on and off-campus. The suspect was reportedly waiting outside her classrooms wanting to talk, despite her clear demands for him to leave her alone. Security confronted the suspect and warned him to stay away from the victim. He was referred to the dean of student discipline.