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The news site of Santa Barbara City College.

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The news site of Santa Barbara City College.

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Column: California’s medical marijuana step in wrong direction

I’m not a scientist, nor a doctor, so I’m in no position to offer medical advice. However, I can say I have never heard something as stupid as marijuana being good for your health.

California passed the Proposition 215, which allows doctors to prescribe marijuana to patients who they feel can benefit from it. The proposition states that no doctor can be charged for prescribing marijuana to a patient and no one can be charged for using marijuana on a doctor’s recommendation.

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In November, California will vote on Proposition 19, which, if passed, will drastically reduce marijuana regulations. It would allow people over 21 to possess, grow or transfer marijuana for personal use. In other words, it would be almost the same rules as alcohol.

The scientific consensus is that marijuana can lead to memory and learning problems, distorted perception, impaired coordination and increased heart rate. Also, since marijuana gets you high, it can lead to depression when the real world seems disappointing.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has yet to approve the drug for medical use because of the lack of studies supporting its benefits.

All of this makes me wonder two things. First, is there anyone who ever checks patients to see if they actually follow the few rules and regulations? And second, if the new proposition is passed, will there be anyone checking everyone else to see if they follow the limitation of personal use?

The obvious bad side of marijuana is that, like any other drug, people may become addicted. And addiction means that your body always keeps wanting more and in higher quantities. That leads me to one thing that actually is proven scientifically: the earlier you start smoking marijuana, the worse effect it will have later in life.

If Californians are allowed to smoke marijuana at the young age of 21, I definitely don’t want to see them at age 50.

I can’t help thinking that the legislators behind Proposition 215 and Proposition 19 must have had a very naive view of humans. I don’t think that all the doctors prescribing marijuana are honorable. I seriously doubt that all the patients prescribed with marijuana only take it for medical purposes. What I doubt even more is that people with the ability to grow, smoke and carry around marijuana will only use it for themselves.

Let’s just face it, the world is full of people that want to make a profit out of anything and selling drugs illegally is definitely one of them.

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