Students taking in-person classes must upload proof of vaccination or receive an approved exemption by Oct. 1 to continue remaining on campus.
At a special Board of Trustees meeting on Aug. 5, the Board passed Resolution No. 1 – COVID-19. The mandate requires all students, employees and members of the public to provide vaccination proof before entering any City College buildings, classes or off-campus services — unless they obtain an exemption “based on medical, disability or religious grounds, or deferral based on pregnancy.”
Starting Oct. 1, students will need to show their “green” Healthy Roster Survey screen from their phones as well as their student ID that has the vaccination sticker. However, students will be able to show their vaccine card and photo ID to receive a wristband until Oct. 8. Stickers for the student IDs are available at the Office of Student Life in the Campus Center.

Oct. 1 is also the deadline to receive $100 for students who have submitted proof of immunization. The cash incentive is available until this Friday at the West Campus Snack Shop from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Students with an approved exemption will be required to show verification of their exemption along with a photo ID and provide a weekly negative COVID-19 test in order to receive their wristband. Testing is available at the Sports Pavilion, Monday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The college has applications available for those who wish to opt for an exemption. Individuals seeking an exemption based on religious grounds may provide their own written statement or one from their religious leader. However, the exemption must be approved by Oct. 1 in order for the individual to be allowed in campus buildings.
Students who are registered for in-person classes and have not yet uploaded their record of immunization or received an exemption will be sent an email notifying them of their vaccine proof or exemption not being recorded.
As reported during the last College Planning Council meeting, the last day for students to drop a course is Friday, Oct. 22. Individuals who are attending in-person classes and have not yet provided their vaccination proof or received an exemption will be administratively withdrawn or “dropped” on Oct. 23.
Students may provide their information via City College’s “Vaccination Disclosure” form available through the college’s website.