Feb. 2
Security was notified by an instructor that there was an intoxicated student at 1 p.m. on East Campus. On arrival, the security noticed the student was having difficulty walking and keeping his eyes open. When the suspect questioned about his behavior claimed his behavior was due to late night studying and his walking difficulties were from a passed injury. The student told security he was on campus to purchase a book. Security was accompanying the student as he bought his book when the security officer smelled alcohol on him. When questioned about the smell of alcohol the student claimed that while riding on the bus a person next to him was drinking and spilled alcohol on him. The student was informed not to come to campus anymore smelling or appearing to be under the influence of alcohol.
At 6:15 p.m. security was called to aide a staff member who had fallen in the 1-B Parking Lot near the construction above the stadium. The woman had tripped over the forks of a forklift that was parked in a parking space. The limited light and lack of identifying markers around the equipment made it difficult for her to see. The employee was able to get to her feet, though admitted to both sore knees and ankles. She was advised to go to the Health and Wellness Center the following day. Security placed caution cones around the forklift.
A custodian alerted security that male in a loose black jacket was stealing a mountain bike near the Earth and Biological Science Building at 8:12 p.m. Upon arriving at the scene, security found that the cable lock that had been securing the bike had been cut. At 8:30 p.m. a male student reported his bike missing to security and they informed him that it had been stolen. The bike was valued at $1,200.
Feb. 3
Security was called to the Lower Parking Lot ramp up to West Campus at 2:30 p.m. where a female student was sitting down complaining of chest pain. The school nurse arrived shortly after to evaluate the student. The student told the nurse that she had received a chest contusion the night before. She had gone to the Cottage Hospital Emergency Room where she was given pain medication and told not to exert herself with physical activity. The nurse advised the student to go home and rest. Security transported the student to her car.
Feb. 4
A student reported his wallet missing at 10:45 a.m. after his Physical Education class. The student left his bag with the other students’ bags in the class. After class he noticed his black leather wallet was no longer there. The wallet contained no cash, but had credit cards, driver’s license and medical insurance.
Security was called to the cage outside the woman’s locker room because a male student was requesting to see a female student. The male student had approached the female student the previous day requesting to take her picture. The female felt uncomfortable and told the male to come back another time. She had told a staff member about the encounter and when the male student returned the next day the staff member notified security. The male student was waiting for the female when security arrived at 12:30 p.m. Security explained to the male student that he was not to bother the female student or to take photos of her or and other girls. Security also informed the male student that if they received any more complaints they would be forced to take stricter disciplinarian actions.