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The news site of Santa Barbara City College.

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The news site of Santa Barbara City College.

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SBCC Buzz Shack looking to create some serious buzz

SBCC Buzz Shack looking to create some serious buzz

The Buzz Shack, located in two high traffic areas notorious for zombie-eyed students in desperate need of caffeine, offers just that.

The shacks in the Campus Center and the Luria Library compete with other local shops on more than one level.

“We like to offer deals and discounts to students,” said Carissa Cooper, who has been managing the Buzz Shack for three years. “We could all save a little bit of money.”

Once a year, the shacks, along with all food services on campus, take a survey to estimate how many of their customers are students.

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“Students can’t be charged sales tax on campus, but faculty can,” said Director of Food Services Mark Sullivan. The survey shows how much the food service department needs to pay in taxes, since not all of the customers are students.

“We haven’t completed the data yet,” said Sullivan. “I’m just going to guess 90 percent students and 10 percent staff.”

This would average out to about $80 per day that the food services owe in taxes.

“We want to make sure we do the right thing and pay our taxes,” Sullivan said.

The shacks have increased their revenue about 300 percent in the last three years. The increase is, in part, because of better products, customer service and more advertising.

“We have more plans,” Cooper said. “We’re starting a Facebook and Twitter page.”

These pages will alert students to spontaneous deals and discounts during the day.

“We try to be as diverse as possible so people can come here and get what they want,” Cooper said. The Buzz Shack offers a large variety of beverages, with specific options such as soy or almond milk.

Students often go to shack out of convenience and cost.

“I go maybe twice a week for a nice little earl grey,” said Hudson Oznowicz, a film student at City College.

The location on campus is a big draw for him.

“It’s in the library,” he said. “I mean, I’m not going to go somewhere else to get a tea.”

Chris Barbee, a theater arts student, said he goes to the shack about once a month.

“I went more when I had a night class,” he said. “I didn’t feel like leaving campus.”

The Buzz Shack is always bustling with students who are stopping by for their daily coffee or an afternoon pick-me-up. Although there’s competition, the shack is always looking to help out its customers.

“We try to keep it cheaper than other shops,” said Cooper.

The prices of beverages at the shack are, on average, one to two dollars less than other local shops.

“It’s an amazing job. I feel very fortunate,” said Cooper. “It makes a difference, that personal connection we have with customers.”

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