City College’s Cross Country team have their sights on the Southern California Regionals, but its short term goals will help the team in the long run.
The runners’ times are improving and belief is spreading throughout the camp.
“We’re having a lot of success,” said Head Coach Keith Kephart. “A lot of the runners have improved around two minutes a week.”
Kephart’s tough workouts teach his runners technique mixed with endurance.
“The training works,” he said. “The results show that.”
Kephart likes the women’s chance of competing in the So Cal Regionals. “The times are improving, and the experience helps,” said Kephart. As the team approaches Saturday’s City College Invitational, Kephart notices his track runners are adjusting to cross-country style.
“Three miles is much different than four, trust me,” said freshman runner David Meyer. “But our endurance is improving.”
“Our course is more flat than others,” said Carly Harris. “It helps our times a lot.”
Harris leads the women this year, posting a 20:53. Tendonitis kept her out of the last meet, but she is ready to return.
“Coach is doing a good job of getting us fit,” said Harris. “We’ve got our biggest races coming up.”
The invitational is the last meet before conference finals, but the Vaqs hope to extend the season to regionals.
“The top three at conference finals move onto regionals,” said Kephart. “I like our chances if we continue to train and stay committed.”
Saturday will be the first test. The event starts at 11 a.m. at La Playa stadium.