Due to delays barring the finalization of construction on the Sports Pavilion, the City College Board of Trustees has proposed adding onto the number of temporary East Campus Classrooms.
The addition would consist of four portables that would serve as five classrooms. There will be three double-wide portables, capable of holding 60 students, and one triple-wide that will be split into two 30-student classrooms.
The main point of these portables is to relocate classrooms from both the Sports Pavilion and the Physical Sciences buildings while they are being remodeled.
Installation will take roughly four months and the administration hopes to have the process completed by August.
The college orders these temporary classrooms ready-made from a company called Mobile Modular. The total cost of the classrooms is around $400,000 but this does not represent the total cost of the project.
“It really depends on how much it will cost to prepare the area for them,” said Joe Sullivan, vice president of Business Services.
He said the buildings would not obstruct the view from the Campus Center and the John Dunn Gourmet Dining Room; however, students expressed concern about the potential loss of the view.
“I will be kind of bummed, the view is great,” said freshman Erika Cooper. “Guess you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do though.”
“It’ll be great, I’d much rather look at some double-wide trailers instead of the ocean,” joked Sean Wilson, a sophomore communications major.
Sullivan says the college’s goal is to have these portables removed from the main campus after the completion of the Sports Pavilion, but there is no guarantee.
“I can tell you there has never been a temporary classroom put on this campus that has left,” Sullivan said.
If these classrooms are not installed it will cause delays to a number of other projects such as the remodel of the Physical Science and Drama/Music buildings, according to a proposal released by the school’s Board of Trustees last month.
If these delays occur the college could lose grant money it received from the state and will have to reapply to gain the project funding, which could delay these projects for quite some time.