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The news site of Santa Barbara City College.

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Finding the love and confidence in myself with “The Divine Feminine”

The Channels Art Pages | STAFF SUGGESTION
Courtesy image from Amazon, “The Divine Feminine.”

When I think of the word divine, the dictionary definition is not what comes to my mind. However, Mac Miller’s “The Divine Feminine” album does. Specifically the first song on the list called “Congratulations.”

The way Miller describes the love and beauty of a woman is unlike anything I have heard from in the rap industry before, especially from a man. 

Throughout the three minute and 40 second long song, the artist goes into depth of his experience with being in love with someone in such a poetic and beautiful way. He attempts to convey his deep emotions through his lyricism, like when he says that the sun can’t shine when he is without her. Miller’s vulnerability radiates throughout this masterpiece of a song. 

Its lyrical display also offered me a newfound discovery of self love. After a number of harsh relationships in the past, I lost parts of myself I had forgotten were once there. Reaching the one minute and five seconds mark into the song, Mac Miller angelically sings, “see a love like mine is too good to be true.” 

This short phrase made me understand that other people’s lack of affection or care towards me was not a reflection of me whatsoever, and that I possess a love that someone would be lucky to have.

I remember one day, while standing in the In-N-Out line with one of my good friends as we decided between a double double or a normal cheeseburger, we began discussing our past relationships and our histories with them. 

As we recounted our experiences, I touched base on my struggles. Previous endeavors with romantic partners stripped me of my confidence and my ability to love without caution. 

My friend then told me something that has never left my mind since that day. He told me the way I think of other people and the pressure I put on myself to meet expectations is actually the way others should think of me. As people, we put so much pressure on ourselves to meet the wants and needs of others that we forget to check whether or not they meet our own. 

Reaching the first minute and nine seconds of the song, I get taken back to this memory every single time I hear the lyrics, “You too divine to just be mine.” 

It reminds me of how beautiful of a love I can give out – something I had forgotten throughout previous years. 

This all led me to getting that six lettered word, divine, tattooed across my right thigh. Every single time I look at the permanent ink left in my skin, it reminds me of the powerful, strong and confident women that I am. And it all started on the day I decided to press play and see if I would like the song “Congratulations” by Mac Miller.

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