Vampire Weekend’s sensational first album is certainly a hard act to follow. But their sophomore effort “Contra” is right on the money. It enters new and sophisticated territory, but still honors their original quirky sound.
The Brooklyn-based band has assembled ten brilliant songs for this album, and although none are as catchy or musically refined as their first album’s hit single “A-Punk,” the band’s newfound maturity has seeped into its music. Complex songs like “Horchata” and “Run” prove that the boys have formed a cohesive unit, an attribute that is absent from most contemporary bands.
Lead singer and front man Ezra Koenig’s vocals are better than ever. He possesses more range and creativity in his voice than most well known musicians and harbors possibly one of music’s best-kept secrets. The album’s second track “White Sky” is truly a vocal masterpiece.
I can’t imagine that Vampire Weekend could get any better, but whatever happens, I’ll be waiting with eager ears.