The term “Terrorism” has drastically changed since 9/11.
While many still mourn the horrific event that changed the world, the same exact term is unrightfully damaging the reputation of several countries.
This is the perfect time to ask the authorities: what is terrorism, or what constitutes an act of terrorism?
While I do understand the term has its political and emotional value, it may be hard to define it accurately; however, that doesn’t justify the U.S. to both label and accuse countries such as Eritrea of supporting “terrorism.”
According to U.S. State Department, under President Bush’s leadership, Eritrea, “a country that is not fully cooperating with U.S.,” has been accused of terrorism. But these allegations haven’t changed under the Obama administration.
Since when can a country label another country as terrorists just because they are not fully cooperative?
Or maybe the word is just losing its value.
Eritrea, a poor and war-torn country, resides in the horn of Africa along with its neighboring countries Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia.
In 1991, Eritrea declared its independency from Ethiopia, and has since battled for its existence against dictatorship, famine, disease, and the re-ruling of Ethiopia.
Last year, a journalist who has corresponded for The Los Angeles Times, held a lecture about the war in “the horn of Africa” and its terrorist activism. Not once were solid facts that indicated activism mentioned; however, the country was still labeled in bulk with its neighboring countries.
When the journalist was asked why Eritrea was in the mix, he replied he didn’t know much about Eritrea itself, but it is close to Sudan and Somalia which are troublesome countries and “known” for its terrorism activists.
To put it mildly, it’s as foolish as if a young European student came to the U.S. expecting them to use the metric system because Canada does.
Yet, the student’s excuse is that he is not well educated, what is the excuse from the United States of America?
However, Eritrea has in fact been the target of terrorist attacks on several occasions. At one point they were so intense that the Eritrean government was forced to take measures to protect its people and their prosperity.
This shouldn’t be a time where we try to point fingers at each other, but a time for solution. We, as citizens of the world, should stop the guilty once and for all, and salute the fallen victims and the survivors of terrorism.
Instead of cataloging countries of these sickening acts, the U.S. and the supporting countries should work in a constructive way and conclude what terrorism really is.
From there we can create allies, instead of operating destructively and cause more harm towards the “little” nations.