Environmental lawyer and activist, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gave a speech at the Lobero Theater last Friday, appearing on behalf of the Pesticide Awareness on Alternatives Coalition.
Kennedy’s lecture, “A Contract With Our Future,” discussed the vital role that the environment plays in our American lives.
“Americans are the best-entertained and worst informed people in the world thanks to governmental loopholes,” exclaimed Kennedy.
He said of his new book, “Crimes Against Nature,” that this administration is the “worst environmental White House in American government.” He also said that there have been over 400 major environmental rollbacks during the past four years.
After being asked why the American people haven’t heard this information before, Kennedy responded, “negligent press” hasn’t done its job informing the public and there is a substantial skew in news reporting. He added, “We have a huge information deficit.”
“When we destroy nature we impoverish ourselves,” he said. Kennedy’s concluding statements were followed by a standing ovation from the audience.