In a Board of Trustees’ study session Thursday, the trustees formed an ad hoc committee to search for a new City College President who will replace Superintendent-President John Romo in Spring 2008 .
Romo announced Feb. 23 that he will retire in Spring 2008.
Trustee Joe Dobbs will head the committee with Trustee Sally Green and Trustee Desmond O’Neill to serve.
Trustee President Luis Villegas said many other community colleges are also looking for their next president.
“There are currently 50 vacancies up and down the state,” Villegas said. “That’s why it’s critical to move on this fast.”
Kathy Molloy, Academic Senate president and English professor expressed her desire for the senate to be involved in the search.
“We would like to be considered when making the Ad Hoc committee since we do have some recommendations,” Molloy said. The Board did not officially take action on forming the committee, as per study session rules.
They will officially approve the committee at their next meeting on March 22.
-Ashley Hernandez