The Instructional Technology Committee voted Oct. 22 to recommend to the District Technology Committee that the current replacement policy for Macintosh computers on campus stay the same.
The subject of switching primarily to a PC platform arose because of concern about the difficulties of technical support for dual platforms, coupled with former issues with Macintosh software. The matter has been in discussion for almost three years.
“The issue about Macs and PCs on campus was that the first version of OS X was unstable in many respects,” said Student Senator Rose Ladanyi, the student representative on the technology committee. “The various updates to OS X that have been released have, to some extent, solved this.”
The committee is a board of City College professors that voices concerns about technology to the district committee when these sorts of issues affect curriculum. Another issue that will help campus Mac support is the more affordable IMacs that are now available.
No switch from Macs to PCs
November 11, 2004
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