The Channels wants to know: ‘Do you feel safe?’

April 14, 2023

With ongoing issues surrounding school shootings, social unrest, and human rights, The Channels asked members of the community if they feel safe in the world around them.

To provide a voice and a platform to speak up, The Channels has focused our spring 2023 project on the question “Do you feel safe?” 

Our team interviewed six students and asked follow up questions regarding this topic. We are welcoming responses from the community to allow and encourage everybody to share their perspectives and experiences. 

To contribute to our project, fill out our survey.

Reporters Angel Corzo and Natas Regalado also contributed to this project.


I feel pretty safe when I’m at campus. I don’t have much to say but I can trust almost anyone.”

-Joshua Ceja, 19


I sometimes feel safe being a woman because I feel like there are still a lot of good people out there that do protect women if they see something that’s going on. I feel unsafe in certain circumstances that involve drunk men because I’ve had incidents where I am  fully clothed and went to a club here in Santa Barbara where I was actually groped on my private parts by a drunk man.”

-Carmen Perez, 25


My time here so far has been uneventful in the best way possible. I love being able to walk around and see people skating/biking around campus, or see dogs playing on the green. Students and faculty members have all been super cool thus far as well.”

Andrew Sipin, 19.


Too much stuff has happened to me here, from getting assaulted by a student and a teacher, to getting comments all of the time on campus. I had a security guard who walked me to class for weeks.”

-Nora Buhmann, 19.


Some people make me feel uncomfortable, especially older males.”

Joy Henderson, 19


I feel that I have become more safe this year. Coming to a new school I was scared and didn’t know how I saw myself. I have grown a tremendous amount this year.”

Van Stroosma, 20


It depends on who I’m with. I’m a big guy so usually I don’t feel scared or intimidated but I do get scared of big groups of people.”

Benjamin Blount, 19


 “I have never felt unsafe on City College campus.”

-Grace Guthrie, 20


Some men have shouted very offensive and crude statements towards me, just for dressing the way I do or walking along someone of the same sex.”

-Alex Nesdasny, 20

Sometimes I see the inhumane behavior within society and how we treat people from different nationalities and the rising tide of fascism in this country, but sometimes there is humanity in people and that makes me feel safe, sometimes.”

-Andres De Santiago, 20


I feel safe most of the time and especially at school. But going out can be scary as a woman as we often get catcalled or harassed. I always stay in groups because I do not feel safe when I am alone.”

-Annalise Lacque, 19


I always have to be on guard wherever I am due to the dangers of my surroundings.”

-Lexi Sosine, 19


Overall I think my safety is based on where I live at the moment, which is Santa Barbara. I feel fairly safe here and think it’s a great place to live. The U.S., however, I wouldn’t say is the safest place because of the gun laws.”

-Connor Lodder, 19


I do feel safe sometimes. I’m also from Idaho, which has a very different political climate so I feel shut down when confronted with the difference here in California. No one really talks about the reality of not shutting others down to just live peacefully.”

-Lolo Quinn, 19.


I trust security on campus, and SBCC is in a safe neighborhood.”

Jacob Grossi, 21


Well sometimes I feel somewhat isolated and in that way, unprotected, honestly, but given that most of Santa Barbara is safe and people mostly keep to themselves and are friendly enough, I do feel safe moving around.”

Chidinma Adogu, 23.


“I think being in Santa Barbara is really easy for me due to where I am from. The crime rate is really low here, I don’t hear about or know of people getting killed or assaulted like I would here every once in a while when living in Oxnard. All in all I don’t struggle with feeling safe and because of that I use a lot of time to think on how I can make those around me feel safe as well and supporting those around me.”

-James Lebus, 23


“I don’t feel super safe in the U.S. as a foreign student, and also as a female.”

-Eia Vikingsson, 20

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